The software which accompanies this license ("Software") is the property of Etiumsoft,Inc. and is protected by copyright law. The software product is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, regarding the operation of the software product, including warranties of merchantability or its fitness for use for any particular purpose. By installing the software product, you agree to accept all liability regarding its use or misuse. 1. You may freely copy and redistribute PacMan Adventures 3D UNREGISTERED version, as long as it is distributed in its full, original, and unmodified form.But any distribution of the REGISTERED version without an agreement with Etiumsoft is prohibited. 2. The type of license you are granted is a single computer usage license.This means that the user purchases ONE license to use PacMan Adventures 3D registered version on ONE computer. If you install the software onto a multi-computer platform or network,each and every individual computer of the software must be registered separately. copyright@2001-2004 Etiumsoft,Inc